Applicable Versions: All
When you raise a support issue, the support representative will often ask you to send through a dashboard, report or query, and the supporting data file(s). The data file(s) contain all the information you create in the setup screens. The location of the data file(s) is determined by the DataLocation.
To find the DataLocation, follow these steps:
- Open DataPA Enterprise Dashboard, DataPA reports or the DataPA AddIn in Excel.
- From the Setup menu or Application Settings ribbon tab, select Client Settings (Security on version earlier than version 5) (if the option is not available, you do not have the correct privileges to access the security screen and will need to speak to your system administrator)
- Select the DataLocation tab

If the Stored as static files on a local or shared disk option is checked
The DataLocation text field determines the location of the dat files.
If the Stored on a DataPA Enterprise Server option is checked
The data file(s) will be located in a directory called DataPA under the shared Program Data directory on the server that hosts DataPA Enterprise. On modern Microsoft Windows operating systems, this will be the directory C:\ProgramData\DataPA. Note, the program data directory is often hidden, so typing the location in the address bar of windows explorer will give you access.
If the Stored on a Progress AppServer or Stored on a web server options are checked
The data file(s) are located on a server and you may need to speak to your system administrator to gain access to them. However, if you have used DataPA recently, you may find a copy locally on your client machine in the users temp directory (C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Temp on modern Microsoft Windows operating systems).
Which file or files do I need to send?
Version 5 and above
The setup is stored in a single data file called DataPASetup.dat. If this file exists, only this file is required.
Version 4.5 and earlier
The setup was stored in 6 individual files listed below,
You will need to send all these files to a support representative.