Applicable Versions: All
The procedure libraries referenced by your ApppServer, that DataPA connects to, are version specific. As such you should always update these procedure libraries on the server with the same version installed with the client.
To update the procedure libraries, check first the location of the procedure libraries you have in the PROPATH of your AppServer (see "How do I upgrade DataPA OpenAnalytics to the latest version").
If this is in the installation directory for DataPA, you don't need to do anything (other than stopping your AppServers before updating, see "How can I avoid having to reboot my computer after applying an update to DataPA?").
If your AppServer PROPATH points to a procedure library not in the installation directory of DataPA, simply copy the files from the installation directory (<InstallDir>\ProgSrc>) to the location referenced in the PROPATH.
For details on which procedure library you should be using with which version of Progress
see "Which DataPA procedure library should I use with my AppServer?"
For details on how to support more than one version of DataPA with a single AppServer
see "Is it possible to use a single AppServer with more than one version of DataPA?"