Make sure the following Windows Features are installed, there will be other options checked but these will need to be checked on.

Open the Server Manager and select Local Server.

Scroll down to the Roles and Features section and select the Task ""Add Roles and Features"", Step through the Wizard, ensuring ""Role-based or feature based installation"" is selected, then select your server.

Under the Application Server section, ensure that

  1. Web Server (IIS Support) and
  2. Windows Process Activation Service Support is selected

the following sub items should also be enabled

  •   Http Activation
  •   Messages Queuing Activation
  •   Named Pipe Activation

Under ""Web Server"", the following items need to be installed

  • Application Development 
    • ASP.NET 3.5 ( or any others above 3.5 e.g) 
    • ASP.NET 4.5

Again under the Web Server, the following item need to be installed

  1. Security
    With the sub items 
    • Basic Authentication
    • Windows Authentication