Applies to v6.0 to V6.00.0135
If you are using DataPA Enterprise over HTTPS/ SSL, it may be necessary to configure the DataPA Enterprise Service to also use this secure connection.
Some browsers will not permit communication from a secure (https) connection to an insecure (http) connection. The following will configure the Enterprise Service to use your server's SSL certificate and enable a secure communication from the web portal to the service:
- Find the SSL certificate used to secure DataPA Enterprise. This can be done using the 'Certificates' snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Connect as the Computer Account. The certificate may reside under Personal or Trusted Root Certificates; check with the server administrator as to which certificate to look for and where.
- Acquire the certificate's thumbprint from the certificate details in MMC.
- Run the following from the command line to associate the DataPA Enterprise Service with the certificate:
netsh http add sslcert ipport= Service Hub port appid={12345678-db90-4b66-8b01-88f7af2e36bf} certhash=thumbprint with spaces removed
- The Enterpise Service Hub Port can be found in the Server Settings, in the Tuning section.
- In the DataPA Enterprise Server Settings, adjacent to the Enterprise Service Hub Port in Tuning, ensure 'Use SSL' is on.
- Save the settings, restart the Enterprise Service, then refresh your browser.